Wellness and Organization Blog
Practical tips, tools, and inspiration for those seeking simplicity with being the keeper of all of the things in their home and life
The Purpose of Product When Getting Organized: It’s Not Just Pretty, It’s Neuroscience.
Are organizing products just to look “pretty”? Yes and no. But there’s an explanation. The field of neuroaesthetics is a growing area of study which shows that, “Our brain seems programmed to notice and search for order and structure” (Du Sautoy 2008).
3-2-1 Tips to Transform Your Closet with Systems That Stay
Does your wardrobe need a reset? Follow this 3-2-1 method for some DIY. Organizing a closet (and dresser) can be a fun and refreshing experience if you make it one! All it takes is an intention, a system, and the right storage products.