When Your To-Do List Never Feels Done: Why and How to Track Your Wins
To-do lists can be both helpful and burdensome. While they provide a structure for managing our tasks, they can also lead to feelings of overwhelm. Tracking small wins helps us work against our brain’s negativity bias.
Writing down your wins at the end of the day allows you to:
Appreciate your progress
Boost your motivation
Reduce your overwhelm (even if there are still things left on your to-do list).
It shifts your focus to what you’ve done. Every day may look different, but it gives you a moment to slow down especially if you have big dreams or goals.
So take a step back at the end of the day and give yourself some grace.
Did you do that thing you didn’t feel like doing? Track it.
Did you help someone today? Track that.
Did you take care of yourself? Recognize it.
Did you get one step closer to your bigger goal? Give yourself some credit and keep on going.
Tracking small wins is a simple practice that can be just as meaningful as a gratitude practice. Even if you commit to doing it just a few times a week, you’ll start to feel the difference.
Here are a few places you can maintain this practice:
Find a space in your journal or planner
Keep a running list in the notes app on your phone
Little Victories App for Google Play
If you don’t think you have anything to write down, start with just one win each day and let that settle in.