Savor Your Sleep: Small Ways to Keep a Serene Bedroom Space

There’s a lot getting in the way of sleep these days. Overstimulation, instant gratification, and information overload are all around. One way to improve your sleep hygiene or routine is to get strategic about your bedroom space. Let’s look at some ways to make small shifts!

* Note: These posts are intentionally written to offer small, simple tips to creating a serene and strategic space. As a middle school teacher, one of my favorite closure activities for a lesson was the 3-2-1. Students would be asked to share 3 things they learned, 2 questions they still have, and 1 connection they made. I follow that same structure here with: 3 tips, 2 product recommendations, 1 inspirational quote

Tip #1: Make your bed every day. Not only is this a strong start to your day, but it is a peaceful way to enter bed at night.

Make it easy: Take away any barriers to making this happen such as a plethora of throw pillows or complicated duvet covers. Stack the habit by doing it right after a habit that is already automatic for you. 

Ex: After I make my coffee, I will make my bed. 

Tip #2: Switch from multi to the same style and color hangers in your closet. Uniformity creates a streamlined visual that signals a sense of order.

Tip #3: Limit your nightstand to 3 items (including a lamp) preferably items that will contribute to healthy sleep. 

Suggestions: book, diffuser, traditional alarm clock, sound machine

Products Recommendations:

Do you feel tied to your phone when trying to sleep? Keep your bedroom phone-free with these recommendations!

* The Bagby Sleeping Bag is a strategic holder for your phone that hangs on your doorknob in case you want your phone near enough to not miss an important call but still out of reach. 

* A traditional alarm clock that is NOT tied to an app at 3 different price points.

Sound Machine Alarm Clock, $16.99

Sunrise Alarm Clock with Wireless Charging, $59.99

“Loftie” Alarm Clock with Two-Phase Alarm and Wellness Content, $149.99


“You don’t have to be the victim of your environment. You can also be the architect of it.” - James Clear, Atomic Habits

*Affiliate Disclaimer:

This blog contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned and support my blog at no cost to you. While I may earn minimal sums when you use the links, you are in no way obligated to use these recommendations.


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