Effective Breaks: Are You Zoning Out or Filling Up?

Do you push yourself to keep working until your work is done, or find yourself giving in to distraction while you work? If you find yourself fading, it’s best to allow for a break. Effective breaks are mindful and energizing. While it’s tempting to use break time to scroll social media, it’s also difficult thing to tear ourselves away from. You want to feel ready to approach your work with a clear head. So take a look at the lists below to see what works best for you.

5-minute breaks (25 minutes on, 5 minutes off)

Fill up your water bottle. Hydration is proven to have an effect on our mental performance.


Make a list/ prioritize your tasks for the rest of the day.

Catch up on a few texts messages.

Make a smoothie or a cup of coffee/hot chocolate/tea.

Listen to an energizing song.

Dance to a song! Movement is a release.

Close out unused tabs on your computer.

Tidy up your space.

15-minute breaks 

Go for a walk or run.

Call, Facetime, or stop by to see a friend. 

Make a healthy snack.

Take out your sketch pad and draw.

Play an instrument.

Complete a chore.

Use a guided meditation app on your walk.

Walk or play with your pet.

30-minute breaks

Have lunch with a friend.

Read a chapter of a book.

Switch to a new work location. A change of scenery can work wonders.

Watch ONE episode of a light or funny show. Save the rest for the evening or weekend. 

Action Step: Choose 3 of these breaks and make them part of your routine this week!


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